Friday, September 3, 2010

Sept 2: New Day

So yesterday, the phone rang during my bitter funk, and it was for a job that pays more than twice what the one I quit paid.  I start today!  It's at a place I used to work, in a position that I am somewhat familiar with, so I feel no first day jitters about it.

I also want to say thank you so much for the warm notes of support you guys sent to me yesterday, both here and privately.  Reading them made me feel so cared for by friends, some of whom I've never met, but feel like I know so well.

I'm off to pack my healthy food for WORK.  Hopefully this reduction of stress will help me to make better choices now that I can concentrate on other things again.  I also now have a plan.  I'm moving to the town that the job is in by October 1, whether the house has sold or not.  It's within the same region so my ex husband can't do anything about it - my problems with him are over - the current one anyway - he always dreams up something new.


  1. Congratulations on the new job! Well done you! I hope your move is successful - when it happens - and this signals the beginning of a whole new chapter of your life. It's sounding promising! :)

  2. I am so pleased for you, and i wanted to let you know i just prepped my lunches and dinners for the week as inspired by a previous blog og yours!!


