Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Dec. 22

Monday went well. I followed my meal plan and ate healthfully. I had no cheats at all and the cookies are all packed up. I even managed to get some delivered today! I have a few that we kept for Christmas Eve and Christmas day, as well as some that I froze for our New Year's Eve party. Apparently I can resist temptation when I am not emotional!

I went to a new grocery yesterday and before I knew it I spent $100. That is part of the reason my eats are so good! The produce was mostly local, and so fresh and incredible. The meat was all local free range,and reasonably priced. They also have their own bakery so I was able to get clean buns and bread. SO NICE to not have to try and find time to make it!

I think I may be a little bit heavy on the fruit, but considering the season and all the temptation around me, I am just going with it for the next few days until things go back to normal.

Today's food:
M1: ww toast w/ natural pb, pear
M2: extra lean beef burger (grilled) on 1/2 ww bun, orange
M3: apple, nuts
M4: Big salad with spinach, mixed greens, grilled chicken, carrots, steamed cauliflower (leftover) tomatoes,onion, and hm honey balsamic dressing
M5: Yogurt and berries or popcorn

The one thing I am very disappointed about this week: workouts are on hold. This may sound like an excuse but I am just not finding time to fit it in. DD14 sleeps right under the family room. My leaping like a gazelle above her would NOT go over well! It's way to cold to take my Southern bred self outside and I decided to take a 4 day hiatus. My schedule is insane this week at work too. On Christmas once the kids leave to go with their dad to his family celebration I am claiming the guest room. By boxing day it will be my workout room and no excuse will be good enough to miss a workout! I can't wait. This is my Christmas present to me: the gift of health.

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