Sunday, January 9, 2011

Jan. 9: Drumroll....

Finally, the scale is moving downward.

I can't believe how quickly I gained back 22 pounds.  Apparently, the physics law of weight goes like this:

Weight goes on twice as fast as it comes off.

So finally, at long last, I've actually lost two pounds.

How, you ask?

Simply by not eating anything that did not come from my own kitchen.  I didn't eat any takeout all week, which nearly killed me.  Also, I'm eating fruit for an afternoon snack.  So far, so good!  Another change I made?  I only had a half of a Diet Coke all week - otherwise I've been sticking to water.

This weekend was tough - I had a wedding shower to go to.  Social stuff makes me very anxious, so a stuffed in a few handfuls of cinnamon hearts to bolster my courage. I have to confess, I ate with some reckless abandon when I got there, too.  I ate cake and dammit, it was delicious.

Back in the saddle now for supper tonight, though - something simple from my kitchen!

Meal planning for this week is off to a rough start, however.  I had to work all day Saturday, I finished making my gift for the bride (a recipe and meal planning book, done scrapbook style) Saturday night and Sunday morning, and then went to the shower all afternoon.  I'm way to much of a homebody to consider this a weekend, gotta tell you.  My house is less than tidy since I had no spare time and I got absolutely NO cooking done.  I feel pretty stressed about this.  I did 3 rounds of Flylady cleaning when I got home, and that helped a little. I'm going to do one more round during commercials in DD10's disaster room.

Crock Pot roast beef, mashed potatoes, green beans
Beef and Broccoli Stir Fry
Mexican Pizza
Salad with Roasted Chicken
Enchiladas (I have the day off!)

So the week hinges on getting that roast in the crock pot in the morning!  Everything else on the menu is from items I already have in the cupboards or freezer. Wish me luck, my friends!

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