Do you ever have an absolutely brilliant idea? And then, with great enthusiasm, you execute said plan? And then, you discover afterwards, it really wasn't such a good idea after all?
Just so you can strike this off your list of future good ideas, mopping a basement with undiluted bleach is NOT a brilliant idea. It's not even slightly intelligent. It is poison and will make you really sick.
I mentioned the other day I had a flood in the basement. Well, when I cleaned it up with undiluted bleach I burned my respiratory tract and lungs. I feel like a dork. I'm home from work today, sitting on the front porch, breathing fresh air, which is apparently the best cure. My throat is just raw, so I can only eat squishy non-acidic stuff. My lungs hurt if I inhale deeply. I cough every 5 seconds which also hurts. I have to spray my throat with antiseptic spray every time I eat or drink and every two hours to avoid infection. Ick.
So, I can't work out, I can't call anybody and I can't holler at my kids. It's like being in purgatory. Hopefully all will be better tomorrow.
And that ends my whiny rambling post.
Oh how awful!! I'm sorry :( I hate sore throats and all that. Hope it is a million times better this morning!