Wednesday, April 14, 2010

April 14: Spring is the perfect time to get started!


Why is it that people start their diets and exercise programs on New Year's Day, in the dead of winter, surrounded by leftover holiday treats and gloomy gray skies?

It's clear to me that SPRING is the time to make a fresh start to your lifestyle!  If you have already begun your journey to a healthier you, now is the time to recommit, and if you are contemplating making some positive changes, there is no better time to do so.

Why?  Lots of reasons!


The beautiful  weather entices you  to lace up your sneakers and go for a walk to see what's blooming!  And just like that, you've begun your exercise program!


Delicious spring vegetables are at their peak!  It's a great time to try asparagus (my favorite), fiddleheads, baby peas, and spinach.  Another good reason to buy them now is this is the lowest price of the year because you are able to purchase them locally.


Spring fruit is here in all it's mouth-watering goodness!  It's strawberry season here in Ontario.  Other goodies you may find locally are rhubarb, and soon, apricots and cherries.


Great selections are now available at your local farmer's markets.  Now is the time of year to abandon your grocery store and buy your food fresh from the grower.  Not only will you get excellent prices but you learn about how the food is raised and help the local economy.  Win-Win-Win situation.

Spring is a time of year that just makes me feel good.  The warmth and sunshine make me happy.  The looming aspect of swimsuit season also helps me to get my butt in gear.  So walk, work in your yard, and enjoy moving in the fresh spring air.  Feast on the delicate delicious produce that spring has to offer.

Spring is Nature's fresh start - let it be your start too!

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